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Is there a Doctor in the house?

The Love Equation:

"Think of the people you know who give Love in response to negative energy that's directed their way. There aren't many people who respond lovingly in that situation. The ones who do are able to because they have love to give away. They know that it's impossible to give away what they don't have, and they've gone that extra mile to acquire what it is that they want to both attract and give away. If Love and Joy are what you want to give and receive, then begin by taking stock. What have you got to give away? What are you giving out to the universe, and thus, what are you attracting? Remember that you can't give away what you don't have. but you can change your life by changing yourself.

Low energy attracts low energy. Low energy thoughts, such as anger hate shame, guilt and fear weaken you. And they attract more of the same. By changing your inner thoughts to the higher frequencies of Love, Harmony, Kindness, Peace and Joy, you'll attract more of the same, and you'll have those higher energies to give away......"

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"The Love Equation" Blog

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